The Fragile Balance
On top of all this, the hospital she's in is closing on Saturday - the day after tomorrow. So they're gonna have to move her. Her condition is fragile--- They are moving all the patients in a parade of ambulances. What a spectacle it will be. Sad parade.
Every time my phone rang yesterday, it was traumatizing, because my dad's reports of the situation became progressively more disconcerting.
I'm at work now. I went to the post office to mail off 7 poems for submission to Handsome. How I hope they publish me. I would love to have some work printed in a nicely bound journal. The things I presented were mostly lyrics, but as Joseph told me, the greatest musicians are really gifted poets. And again, I think on Jim Morrison suggesting to Nico that she read Blake and Coleridge.
Today is the last day for submission, and I work well under pressure - minimally editing them late last night, my mind finally able to focus.
Listened to Garvy J on WMFO last night. Sounded very pretty ~ the freqs all blending harmoniously. Josh's voice is nice and soothing. In the interview afterwards, he mentioned how he wants to play new places and I can relate. I'm always on the search for the new - the things to make me feel alive and not dull, stale, and like everything is set in cement. To flow. But then, I often feel like a baby constantly discovering things about this world. Like I've been here before. Like I've got all of humankind's memory and history in my brain, but that I have to live it out for myself.
I have not been able to rest very well the past few nights. Jet lag and my mom have kept my unconscious mind go-go-going. It's as if I can feel a kind of buzzing while I sleep.
I can't wait for the weekend. I long to rest. Although, the horoscope says the weekend is supposed to be wild with the moon waxing...Monday is the last full moon of the year 2006 AD.
I've got to prepare some lead sheets for the band for practice tonight. Looking forward to that. Looking over my old ideas can delightfuly spark new ones.