The Deficiency
Current mood: hungry
Category: Life
The dusk, my favorite time of day, was gorgeous and left me feeling dreamy, passing through Connecticut. Misty, smoky sfumato. Water and lights in the dusk. Sleepy. Ocean culture. Made me want to eat seafood by the ocean.
Finished the Jimmy Scott bio. Pleasant reading. A cautionary tale of how not to handle business affairs.
My dear friend and former boss once said when he was in music engineering school some bigshot came to lecture and said, "There are two kinds of people in this business - lions and lambs." Some folks, lambs, play by the rules and do everything by the book. Then there are lions who just do it. And roar. But the point with all of this was that if you're a lion, you better cover yr ass in case something goes awry.
As I mentioned before, Jimmy Scott suffers from Kallman's Syndome - preventing onset of puberty. In the book, David Ritz explains that Jimmy refers to this manhood issue as The Deficiency. They talk openly with him and his multiple ex-wives about it. The wives always claim he was a fine lover. One passage described his first sexual encounter with one these women. Apparently Jimmy said, "I hope I don't offend you. I've got a short joint." So polite. I've never been warned like that...
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