Wednesday, October 25, 2006

That's Entertainment

Last night was the debut.

Firsts are important to me. And this was the first time I played out with a full band doing my own songs.


A lot of friends came out to support. It was pretty full and the energy level was high during our set. People liked it and we had a blast, so that's a successful show.

My friend Tinuviel drove down from Maine to check it out, and to say hi to Dame Darcy, too. T rocks for trekking down.

I didn't get to chat with folks too much afterwards. I chilled out backstage for most of the night. I expended too much intense energy to be able to interact meaningfully. It's so emotionally exhausting. But worth it.

Tonight I'm gonna do a TV thing and I hope somebody anybody comes to the taping. Otherwise, it'll sound like "Live, at the Peach Pit A-Go-Go"...clap...clap.../.../.../...clap...

Hee hee. I'm trying to think of a pretty outfit to wear tonight, though I'm so tired from last night that I really just wanna curl up at home. I got dolled last night. Pulled out coat, dress, and boots stops. It felt so good to wear something different onstage.

But I still wore my cartouche 'cause that's who I am. The muthafuckin' qweeeen.

My rap album will be out in 2008.


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