Saturday, October 28, 2006

SCAT etc.

Last night I did a live solo perf for cable TV in Somerville, MA. It was part of the Rock Candy show.

The set will air each Friday in November at 8PM on Channel 3 in Somerville. They are going to provide me with a copy of the show, which I'll try to turn into YouTube clips or something, since only Somervillians can watch the show in real time...

It was a lot of fun. My old friend from Berklee, Tim Franklin, is the audio engineer, and he got me the gig.

I wasn't nervous at all, really, and I chalk that up to being tired from my show with Black Fortress the night before.

But, boy, did we rock. A lot of new material and a PJ Harvey cover where I song the Thom Yorke part and Tony sings the PJ part. Pretty fun, and funny!

Anyway, I've Roct this Tober. Looking forward to a little rest over the next few days.


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