Christmas Report ~ Food, Music, Love
I am feeling inspired today, and I think I'll play my guitar and maybe mando too, after writing this blog.
Warning: I use the word "cute" a lot.
I want to talk a lil' about how my Christmas went. Christmas Eve was nice. Tony and I went to his dad's. I received a lovely brown silk scarf, with opium poppies on it (and an Odetta CD, hadn't heard of her. They get it! I really like it so much...We played some fun games, where you have to team up. Tony was so cute! He was a good teammate. He had to act stuff out, draw, and hum little tunes.
My gift to his Dad was a Buche de Noel. I spent 2 days slaving in the kitchen making it with precise attention to the recipe, and it came out fabulous. Brandy, jelly roll, mocha buttercream, chocolate glaze, candied rosemary sprigs and cranberries. It stole the show of the entire meal!! It was fun as f*** to make too. Very exhausting, but I knew it would please. Tony said he'd post a picture of it...It was too cute. He and his dad took pix of it like paparazzi!! My cake loved up the attention...!
The next day we hung out at Tony's urban ranch-loft. {My dad got him a bolo tie with the Texas State Seal on it.} Tony impressed me with a selection of apps - ricotta, peppers, olives, and crostini, which I love. Jeezus, when did I become such a foodie?! He also made a special crack-of-dawn pilgrimage to the North End on Christmas Eve to procure fresh pastries - cannoli, an assortment of little cakes (Napoleon, and others) and chocolate dipped ficelles.
I got some really cool gifts, including the Geroge Kovacs Bling Bling lamp I had wanted so much and the New Order CD, which I've listened to every day since I got it. Makes me wanna buy some synths and pump out dance music. Alas, I have no patience for tedious programming and quantizing:(
But, as I always say, my first stop in a time machine would be the Hacienda. {Next stop would probably be to see Bach play live}
BTW, did you hear? Primal Scream is playing a limited number of US dates in March. Probably gonna go to the NYC show at Webster Hall. That's a pretty cool club. Saw the DDolls there. Stole a white pumpkin that night. Couldn't resist