Current mood:
Category: Life
Yeah, I've got a nasty sinus infection. Coughing really badly. Ruining my voice temporarily. I'm on antibiotics - 3X/day for 10 days. Don't think I've had a script like that since I was little. It is helping, but it's the cough that kills!
So I've been trying to sit still for a few hours at a time and "rest" which is a mega challenge for an Aries, but I am online instead. TGF email.
I'm trying to stay optimistic about the economy/state of the nation, right now. I heard some things on NPR today that were heartening and disheartening. Experts saying Americans have the ingenuity to get us through this; experts saying the bailout is privatizing gains while making losses a taxpayer issue. That I am really not cool with.
Someone has to pay for these mistakes made in the name of the greed crusade. How about the people who made them, and the lawmakers who allowed rules and regulations to be changed in moments of short-term thinking?!
If someone always comes to the rescue (the Gov't), then what incentive is there for people (lending co's, etc) to get their sh*t straight and stop being so greedy?
The program I heard on NPR was so awesome - all about greed in the market and the nature of humankind, some defending it, some lamenting it...Very philosophical and thought-provoking, IMHO. They emphasized the need for considering the common good. Right on.
Got some fun things coming up I'm looking forward to, once I'm feeling more myself. Got gigs starting with Squawk next week.
JJ and Marisol are coming from LA next week, too, to hang for a few. Haven't seen 'em in 2 years.
Tony and I finished Season One of Twin Peaks, and are about half way through Ben Hur, which is amazing and touching. Damn films used to be good - and with so much less technology. Maybe that's why, partly.
Soon it'll be time to head over to the Pumpkin Patch and pick out something nice for the porch. Autumn in New England is such a treat (so brief!!!).
I played at the Cloud Club on Saturday, and that was a treat. Performing outdoors!!! In a fall garden setting, no less! I did 2 guitar, 2 piano, 1 banjo, and 1 mando tune/s. Tony got pictures, maybe I can post them somewhere...I may play in NYC again very soon, with friends. We'll see.
Please send me some good mental energy to help me get over this illness!