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Category: Music
Tonight Martin's band is playing @ Church, and I'm gonna sit in on a song. It's the title track off his new album - Sirens of the Apocalypse. It's a fun and funny song. I been workin' on memorizing it, but also Martin's gonna bring the cue cards. LOVE IT!!!! I'm curious to scope out the place, too, since we have a big show there next Fri...
Energy adrift. The clouds have been looking so pretty lately. All kinds of different shapes. 2 days ago, there were beautiful canyons of clouds shrouding the city. It all looks so dramatic and I just eat it up.
Album art is still in the *almost there* phase. Fine. Rome wasn't built in a day, to use a trite expression. Some things are worth waiting for and all that, though my Arien firespeed nature abhors waiting!!!!!! Witness this phenomenon as I painfully try to get better at harpsichord. Still a beginner, though now reaping rewards and fruits from hard-earned hours spent toiling away. I've been taking my little lessons and practicing regularly for 3 years now. "Consistency is the key to results."-THE FIRM workouts
Went pumpkin-picking this Sunday. Tony took me to Arena Farms. Got a 60lb. one and a 35lb. one for carving. Plus a lovely albino blonde one the size of a Texas grapefruit. We also checked out open studios in Fort Point and that was fun. It was a lovely day for walking about. One of Tony's friends/neighbors makes jewelry and metal wares, and from her he bought me the prettiest hand-hammered copper coffee scoop. Now I gotta buy some decaf!