Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Best Fiend

Oh, huh huh. Caffeine kicking in!

So many thoughts whirling around in me head.

Nice day out finally, but still I find myself inside. At least I'm outta the house.

Cafe day.

Plans plans. I need to sit down and come up with a budget and how to get there. I need to have a TQ bakesale er sumthin'.

I need about $4000 to put out some excellent music. Need investors.

I also wanna come up with some exotic wardrobe for Turkish Queen purposes. I'm referring to Turkish Queen LLC, natch. This means all public performance appearances by yours truly.

It's tough and complex because I'm looking to express my inner Turk and Texan simultaneuosly. I want a look that's youthful but not too playful since it wouldn't match the mood of the music...Eastern Western is what I'm thinkin'.

I woke up in a good mood this morning. A blessing after how I was feeling last night and yesterday. Sometimes I depend too much on other people for my own happiness and that's just wrong. That doesn't make it easy not to, though.

Dun Paris, Texas seyrettim. Iyi bir filim. Sevdim.

It touched me when they showed Houston. The skyline of the Space City. My home town. Where I used feel depressed in the slow heat. I would really lose it if I lived there, I think. Too small and slow. Even though Boston's smaller, it's wider somehow. And I don't need a solitary car to live here.

Everyone isolated in moving rooms.

I specifically picked a movie I thought would NOT involve a love story 'cause I was feeling a little raw and sensitive, and of course it turned into a love story involving my hometown. Jeez. Is that kismet or what!?

I wanted to watch My Best Fiend about Werner Herzog v. Klaus Kinski, but they didn't have it at the sto'. Today, I will procure it. I am compelled!!!!

There is a tour possiblity on my horizon. With MLL. Pray for me and send me good vibes that my hard work and diligence will be rewarded. You can bet I'd do a tour diary, too:)

A word or five about shooting videos:
It's a funny business. An actual director's chair, yes, but the part that said "Director" flipped upside down. Wack. Accidents, crises that we laugh about later. It brings a smug smile to my face just thinking about it all. Trying to stay sober while behind the camera. Dealing with divas that you never expected to be divas. Drunken extras knocking things over like expensive electronics...

Three cheers for drunken shooting! Double entendre yes I meant that 2 ways.

Dodecahedrons and geodesic domes still on the dome. Tragic figures at parties. Being sucked in and fed by strangenesses.

Did I join a cult? Feels like I'm in one, but it's pretty entertaining depsite the frequent pain.

Nebulous obliqueness. Suspicions flying. Internal strength.

I have Cancer rising. They say then moon is the fastest moving body in the heavens. Supposedly that should clue me into the fact that my moods change so quickly sometimes I can barely keep up with them.

Plus my moon was in my sun sign yesterday, which makes for heightened drama.

The curtain closes and I am back in the relaxed atmosphere of offstage.


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