Category: Life
The title of today's blog bears no significance. I just saw the word somewhere else and liked it momentarily.
I'm like Beuys over here - using car parts, bottles, and cutlery or whatever I find lying around to amuse myself.
No I haven't lost my mind just yet.
I'm feeling accomplished, which = relaxed, for me anyway.
I just had a tasty little lunch of chicken and shrimp Pad Thai. Delicious lunch special @ 9 Tastes in Hvd Sq.
I feel accomplished because the end of the year is nearing, and I have done much. I am creatively behind in some ways {new material}, but considering the energy and time spent making the record, it is well worth it. I don't want to have tunnel vision.
Heroes' Tunnel. We'll be crossing it soon. Playing in NYC next weekend.
Played Upstairs last night to some enthusiastic friends, and gained some new fans.
The record is off to the pressing plant now. Out of my hands. Boy am I glad. The limbo was killer. Discs should arrive in about 3 weeks! And it'll be like I had 1000 babies with 3 different daddies. Yes, scary thought. Though Martin is probably the Big Daddy, or more the grand-daddy.
I'm just being silly. The show is over, the record's nearly done, and I'm flying home to Houston for the Holiday. I daresay I'm excited or something. Or at least in a good mood.
I have some fun things to look forward to, and that makes me happy.
And as far as Thanksgiving, well I have some things to not be so thankful for; this is the first Thanksgiving of my entire life without a home-cooked meal. The first year without my mother. She used to get so happy when I came home. She would decorate, etc. I feel now like my dad and I are a little orphaned. There will be one empty chair this year.
But I am still so very thankful for many other things and people in my life. For Providence.
![]() | Currently reading : Intimacy and Solitude By Stephanie Dowrick Release date: February, 1996 |
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