Mercury Retropost

Category: Life
Feeling calm and collected now, mellow even...
This morning started off with a car crash. Literally. I was waiting for my baby to come home from the gym, and I had been lying in bed thinking how peaceful and quiet it was, when all-of-a-sudden, I heard THAT sound. Screeching wheels and metal scraping and klanging against metal. I don't like it! I had just spoken with my true love a little while before the sound. All I could think of was how sometimes he doesn't put his seatbelt on right away...I told myself it couldn't be him, and that I might've just heard some construction noises or something like that, but then I heard a fire engine whirring. I freaked out and went towards the window. I could see it, and it was BAD. A car {not his thank Heavens} had crashed into and knocked down a cement light pole, as well as some street signs. Anyway, rubberneckers were lining up and there had been children in the car and they were being treated by EMTs. Just as I was going to look in the window I heard the front door open and my baby walked in.
I was struck at how fragile and vulnerable life is. A lesson I would be reminded of again later in the day as I learned one of my bandmates had a cancerous tumor removed yesterday. Lord be with us all. I'm going to visit him tomorrow. After what I so recently went through with my mom, it's pretty freaky, but now I see all the more clearly how much certain things (like hospital visits) can mean.
All the strangeness aside, today was nice and I say again how good it is to be back at home. On my promenade through the city this morning, I saw and heard from {through myspace, no doubt} a couple of people I know, from the past. It was nice hearing from old acquaintances:) Dietrich says Mercury Retrograde is a time during which lost things can be found. It's so true. A day or 2 ago, I found one of my favorite earrings I hadn't seen in months. I had given up on it, but still kept the other half of the pair. I did some ab routine, and I was getting up off my mat and just saw the little earring on the floor. Unbelievable considering that I had vacuumed that spot several times and moved furniture around and never found it. But there it was, just sparkling at me. Hope lies eternal.
There is a condo complex across the street from my house, and it has a lovely entry way. It says "Arden Court". There is a wrought-iron fence that features lovely scroll work, and there are very pretty, simple flowers growing in and around the fence. Magenta roses, I think, and some tropical looking orange flowers that have long stems and look vaguely tuberous. I think I'll take some pix of the place. It's a lovely little view. It cheers me.
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