Monday, March 13, 2006

Mother would never understand

Many topics today:

We begin with tomorrow. Tomorrow I have a mastering session for my upcoming live solo album to be released over the next few months. I had to go over to the rehearsal space to pick up my reel of 1" tape to be used in the process. I'm doing this all on my own for the first time. Some of you may laugh, and say why does she bother with only 1" tape. Well, I believe. That's all. I wanna use my reel, damn it! I don't have a free studio with 2" tape or freakin' Howie Weinberg to master my record for the discounted price of $5, I'm going within my means for now.

Once I arrived at the space, it was so quiet. Not many rockers there quite so early, you see. I didn't even turn on all of the lights because I was just popping in for a second. I crawled back into the TQZ - Turkish Queen Zone, as it's known. I stepped up on a chair, to reach back in the vaults where my precious reel has been laying idle. I pulled it out and I stared at it. I noticed a piece of shit on it, lovingly donated by some mouse who had passed through.

Even the *shit* won't stop me. I just brushed it off. Then I popped open the box and smeeled the reel. I love the smell of tape. Call me a fetishist; I don't care.

Anyway, this little tale came in handy when explaining what the music business is like to a friend. There is glory, but there is also shit.

Over Christmas, I tried sitting down and explaining why I deal with the music business to my parents, and a little about what it's all like. When I described the rehearsal space to my mom, she literally started crying. And I didn't even mention any mice or shit. Oh and she couldn't believe the club/pay structure, er, non-structure!

I think she thinks I'm crazy for pursuing it, but she tries, in her way, to be supportive.

More on Strange Fruit:
I was remiss to not mention my astounding discovery that the beginning of the PJ Harvey song "Legs" from the 4-Track Demos album is a direct sample of Billie Holiday's performance of "Strange Fruit" from the album Lady in Autumn:Best of the Verve Years. I'm referring to the coughing part with the with light jazz piano in the background. For over 10 year, which is at least how long I've had the PJ album, I had no idea! Anyway, I discovered this when I downloaded that version of Billie Holiday doing Strange Fruit from iTunes for research. And the version I chose was pretty random. It didn't hit me until PJ's song came on random play on my computer.

More on Rothko:
One tidbit I didn't post at first, but feel obliged to share since so many of my friends are artists in one medium or another...and often found struggling with love:

After the dissolution of his first marriage, Mark Rothko was quoted as saying "Marriage is an impossible situation for an artist to engage in." He was bitter and battled a lengthy depression. But by two years later, in 1945, he had fallen in love again and married another woman.

Know thyself. Beware of making blanket statements., for perhaps you shall eat your words.

"You're too young to say you're through with love" - Saint Etienne, "Spring"
That goes out to one of my musical idols, who says he's loved all he needs to have loved and the sordid details fall away...Reading that made me so sad for him.

But sensitive hearts are oft bruised. Especially when they become intertwined with those who think cruelty is funny. Life's just a gas, ain't it, baby?


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