Roughy and Bumpy Road
Current mood: blank
Category: Life
Quiet snowy gray New England Day.
I was feeling very selfish the past two days, then yesterday I read a horoscope that said, "Beware your motto does not become 'What's in it for me?"
Then I decided to check myself, so I tried to give it all who demanded attention of me. And have patience and give love.
I'm excited to be going to NYC next weekend to record with Bisi. He's so nice!
And I canna wait to get into the city. Had fun there the past 2 times.
It's warm to me in a way Boston kind of is not. Oh, and being there around/before Valentine's Day is the best. Lots of red in the store windows, and so many cupcakes!!!!!! Dying to be eaten...icing icing...
Went to the rehearsal space by meself last night. It was a treasure. Just me and my instruments. Hadn't gone enough in the past few weeks due to upset and trying to shake an infernal cold which seems mostly dissipated.
In this most difficult time in my life, I realize how many people care about me. I mean truly care, like not letting me eat carbs, making me eat seafood, and giving me bottled water, and lockets, etc. I feel thankful and grateful, and it helps take the edge off when I get lonely or sad.
It sounds cliche, I know, but love can heal all. Sometimes we wanna be angry and hateful, because it can feel so good to sink into negativity, but it's a trap. And for me, I only regret it and beat myself up for it later.
Spring is coming, and that's when I tend to write my best stuff. I can kind of feel the inspirations percolating within. Chaos helps! But so does stillness. It seems I live in a world of extremes.
Watched Nanook of the North finally...very charming and inspiring - both the Eskimo way of life and the effort of the filmmaker to capture their tale.
Been listening to a CD of Rosicrucian music composed by Erik Satie. Nice. The piano sounds wonderful.
I picked up the CD in NYC back in September. Some of the experiences I had while on that trip left me feeling very alive and free. I remember coming home and waking up in the morning and nakedly playing my guitar - my classical, and singing in a high voice. I felt like a siren. God I wish I could feel that free more often. Like everything I did was full of beauty.
![]() | Currently listening : Let's Get Out of This Country By Camera Obscura Release date: By 06 June, 2006 |
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