Big show at TT’s 10/23
Tomorrow night (Thursday) is the big show at TT The Bear's ( This is a huge show for us, and I hope people come out and dress up - it's Hallowe'en season of the witch.
There has been a line up change as well. Dorian Wood had to cancel due to personal emergency.
Instead, we found a great fill in - Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band. "ENSMB is a group of raucous and rambunctious musicians that will honk, wail, blow, beat, bounce, scream and serenade their way into your hearts. This 11-piece ensemble plays an eclectic repertoire that combines the rich musical history of the circus and the vagabond peoples of Europe with the raw energy of avant-garde jazz and the irreverence and fun of today's Vaudeville for a sound that is somehow familiar yet like no other."
9pm What time is It Mr.Fox
10pm Garvy J (w/special guest Scott Dakota from The Moors)
11pm Black Fortress Of Opium (with special guest)
12am Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band
TT's the Bear's Place
10 Brookline St
Cambridge, MA 02139
red line to Central Square stop
8:30 doors
Black Fortress of Opium has some new schwag: Girlie T's!!! You can snag one at the show.
PPs - I've been practicing my ass off. Come check out my hard work. I'll wear my fake eyelashes for you;)
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